Thursday, June 14, 2007

OK... Read at your own risk.

Earlier this month both Geoff and I suffered from travellers toilet issues. Luckily, Geoff didn't need the Zithromax like I did but it did leave him with other issues. Issues that required the marvels of modern technology and medical intervention.

So, I take a digital picture of Geoff from a most undignified angle and we email the photo to Geoff's doctor in Baltimore. Next morning, Geoff gets to experience the joys of going to 3 different pharmacies to find the Thai equivalent of Anusol-HC. To top it off, the driver needs to go in with him to all 3 pharmacies to help translate. Yeah, real low key. I'll leave that photo out of the blog.

But man! you got to love the miracle of the Internet and digital cameras.

Hmmm... after the Cam-hospital experience, maybe a hospital experience would've been the better way to go.

Anyhoo... we're getting on a plane tomorrow(where Geoff's recovered rear will get to sit for 2.5 hours) to spend the weekend in Singapore.

Until we return...

1 comment:

Connie Phelps said...

life over there sounds like a roller coaster!