Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 12 - The Sikarin Hotel/Hospital

Cam's managed to pick up a rash on his scalp. By the looks of it... it's spreading like some sort of fungal problem. So, after letting it go for too long we get him checked out by a doctor.

I'm not sure about this, but people here don't typically have a "primary care physician"; they just go to the hospital. So, Geoff took Cam to the hosital.


When he came back only 1.5 hours later all he kept saying was, "It was like being at a hotel!". When the driver pulled up, hospital staff were there to open the door and carry the diaper bag for him. Geoff didn't even carry the diaper bag! So, in the 1.5 hours: Transit to hospital, check-in/ID card registration, visit with doctor, get prescriptions for fungal skin issue, transit back home. All of this for less than USD $20! In the states, MY COPAY FOR THE DOCTOR VISIT *ALONE* IS $25!

Geoff kept comparing the hospital trip with his previous stays at the Novotel Hotel in Thailand. Geoff's friend Jack says that this isn't even one of the "better" hospitals.

I'm reminded of story of Geoff's friend's visit to Thailand. After a food poisoning issue Geoff's friend needed to go to the hospital to get a shot in the rear. ...after they stuck him, they rubbed/massaged the sore spot. Full service.

Two words everyone... medical tourism.

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